Research is core to all BILIA activities. We undertake independent and rigorous analysis with the aim of setting the agenda and shaping policy by encouraging new ideas and forward thinking in law and international affairs.
BILIA’s goal is to anticipate and address emerging themes, provide accurate and policy-oriented research and actively contribute to public debate involving the rule of law and governance in Bangladesh.
BILIA undertakes independent and rigorous analysis of constitutional law and its emerging jurisprudence in Bangladesh. In the process, BILIA has over the years attained a position where it contributes academically
BILIA places faith in the notion that a piece of legislation is not a good one unless it is drafted for the good of the nation. It believes in the ‘inner morality’ of law and tries to build a bridge between the ‘positivist’ and ‘naturalist’ approaches to law. Keeping this in mind, BILIA also takes keen interest on the laws passed by the Parliament and provides qualitative analysis on the nature and foresight of those laws. In the process of doing so it engages in the academic practice of comparative law, digging deep into the experiences and considerations of other nations when they passed legislation similar to that in Bangladesh.
As regards the application and upholding of human rights, BILIA believes that the most fundamental document protecting the most basic human rights of Bangladeshi citizens is the Constitution of Bangladesh. In this backdrop BILIA promotes and takes part in academic discussion on how the situation of human rights in Bangladesh can be significantly improved by ensuring the effective application of the fundamental rights enshrined in the Bangladesh Constitution.
The 21st century world is marked by diverse, multidimensional and complex security challenges. The nature and pattern of such challenges is changing and creating instability, affecting societies, putting pressure on economies and disrupting the overall development process. The developing countries in particular are vulnerable to these security challenges.
As a leading research institute in the South Asian region, BILIA aims to understand these current and emerging security challenges and to provide viable, pragmatic and solution-oriented ideas to counter them in an enlightened and effective manner. BILIA is the primary source of accurate, objective information on international and strategic issues for politicians and diplomats, foreign affairs analysts, international business, economists, the military, defence commentators, journalists and academics.
BILIA conducts rigorous, frequent, timely and policy-oriented analysis on a comprehensive range of contemporary issues impinging on peace and security. The Institute stresses a forward-looking policy orientation. The research focuses on Bangladesh and its adjacent region meaning South Asia and Southeast Asia. BILIA studies international relations from a multidisciplinary perspective of social science. A special emphasis is given on non-traditional security.
BILIA conducts research on political violence and terrorism from both domestic and transnational dimensions. The institute aims to bridge the gap between academic research and policy analysis within the context of Bangladesh and other countries of South Asia and Southeast Asia.
The liberation war of 1971 is a bloodstained historical event that led to the creation of Bangladesh. On December 16, 1971, after a nine-month-long war, Bangladesh emerged as an independent country. The feeling of victory is always exhilarating, but the history of sacrifice behind that victory is always agonizing. The liberation war is such a huge part of the history of Bangladesh that even after 50 years, many aspects of the event are yet to be discovered. On March 25, 1971, the Pakistani army started one of the worst genocides in the post Second World War era in the name of ‘Operation Searchlight’ against the Bengali people. The horrific genocide, which continued till the end of the war, was aimed at wiping out an entire generation. Be it intellectuals, activists, artists, journalists, politicians, or common people, nobody was able to escape from the Pakistan Army’s carnage. It is estimated that a staggering 3 million people were killed during the war. However, many untold stories of the genocide are yet to be discovered.
In order to facilitate research on the 1971 Liberation War and the genocide that took place during the war, the Bangladesh Institute of Law and International Affairs (BILIA) has launched a research section titled ‘Liberation War’. The aim of this section is to conduct research on the liberation war, mainly in three areas. To begin, inform the common people about the role of the Mujibnagar government—Bangladesh’s first government during the war. Secondly, to commemorate the contributions of the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the contributions of four national leaders—Tajuddin Ahmed, Syed Nazrul Islam, M Mansur Ali, and AHM Qamruzzaman—and the war memoirs of the freedom fighters. Lastly, the Liberation War Hub aims to promote research on the international legal aspects, international context and the genocide that occurred during the 1971 Liberation War.
BILIA conducts rigorous, frequent, timely and policy-oriented analysis on a comprehensive range of contemporary issues impinging on peace and security. The Institute stresses a forward-looking policy orientation. The research focuses on Bangladesh and its adjacent region meaning South Asia and Southeast Asia. BILIA studies international relations from a multidisciplinary perspective of social science. A special emphasis is given on non-traditional security.
BILIA conducts research on political violence and terrorism from both domestic and transnational dimensions. The institute aims to bridge the gap between academic research and policy analysis within the context of Bangladesh and other countries of South Asia and Southeast Asia.
instability, affecting societies, putting pressure on economies and disrupting the overall development process. The developing countries in particular are vulnerable to these security challenges.
BILIA places faith in the notion that a piece of legislation is not a good one unless it is drafted for the good of the nation. It believes in the ‘inner morality’ of law and tries to build a bridge between the ‘positivist’ and ‘naturalist’ approaches to law. Keeping this in mind, BILIA also takes keen interest on the laws passed by the Parliament and provides qualitative analysis on the nature and foresight of those laws. In the process of doing so it engages in the academic practice of comparative law, digging deep into the experiences and considerations of other nations when they passed legislation similar to that in Bangladesh.
As regards the application and upholding of human rights, BILIA believes that the most fundamental document protecting the most basic human rights of Bangladeshi citizens is the Constitution of Bangladesh. In this backdrop BILIA promotes and takes part in academic discussion on how the situation of human rights in Bangladesh can be significantly improved by ensuring the effective application of the fundamental rights enshrined in the Bangladesh Constitution.
Being the first think tank organization of Bangladesh, BILIA publishes two bi-annual journals; Bangladesh Journal of Law (BJL) and Journal of International Affairs (JIA), which focus on the issues of Law and International Affairs respectively.
Recently published issues of Journal of International Affairs (JIA) Vol.23, No.1, June 2021 and Bangladesh Journal of Law (BJL) Vol.19, No.2, December 2021.
As a leading think tank, BILIA has been publishing books, working papers, monographs, and issue briefs on Law and International Affairs related issues.
Book publications by BILIA, (from the left) ‘Commemorative Lecture: Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman the Man and His Legacy’ by Barrister M. Amir-Ul Islam (2021); ‘Case Management in Reducing Backlog: Towards Transplant of Australian Practice to Bangladesh Courts’ by Ummey Tahura (2019); Intelligence, National Security, and Foreign Policy: A South Asian Narrative’ by ASM Ali Ashraf (2016).
‘Bangladesh in International Relations 2012-2013’ by CR Abrar (2014); ‘Petroleum Contracts: Stability and Risk Management in Developing Countries’ by Dr. Abdullah Al Faruque (2011)(from the left) .
International Conference Proceedings on ‘Law and Legal Education During and Post Pandemic’ held on January 15-16, 2022
BILIA aims at providing training on Law, International Affairs and Research Methodology.
Mr. Gilles Blanchi, Director General and Asia Regional Representative of International Development Law Institute (IDLI), is introducing himself to the trainers in Public Sector Infrastructure Development (PSID) at BILIA (February 2001).
Participants of the First Legal Training of Government Officials in Public Sector Infrastructure Development (PSID)
Attendees during a training session in BILIA’s seminar room
Group photo of the participating judges
Group photo of the participants
Professor Dr. Mizanur Rahman; Justice K.M. Subhan; Mr. Karl Fritz of American Centre and the former Director of BILIA Mr. Waliur Rahman at the Judicial Training Workshop held at BILIA (June 19-24, 2003)(From left) .
Participants engaged in a group work
BILIA organizes International conferences, symposiums, workshops, and web postings to invoke public debate to understand national and international contemporary topics and issues.
In celebration of 50 years of Independence of Bangladesh, a lecture titled “Nation Building and the Constitution: A Comparative Analysis of Bangladesh and Indian Experiences” was held on 26 November, 2021, at BILIA auditorium. Dr. Dipu Moni, MP, Honourable Minister, Ministry of Education, the People’s Republic of Bangladesh was the Chief Guest of the program. H.E. Vikram Kumar Doraiswami, High Commissioner of India to Bangladesh was the Guest of Honour and Barrister M. Amir-Ul Islam, Chairman, BILIA, presided over the event. The keynote speech was delivered by Professor Dr. Sarkar Ali Akkas, Dean and Chairman, Faculty of Law, Jagannath University. The designated discussants were Barrister Tania Amir, Senior Advocate, Supreme Court of Bangladesh, and Dr. Arghya Sengupta, Research Director, Vidhi Centre for Legal Policy, India. The session was conducted by Professor Dr. Mizanur Rahman, Director, BILIA.
In celebration of 50 years of Independence of Bangladesh, a lecture titled “Nation Building and the Constitution: A Comparative Analysis of Bangladesh and Indian Experiences” was held on 26 November, 2021, at BILIA auditorium. Dr. Dipu Moni, MP, Honourable Minister, Ministry of Education, the People’s Republic of Bangladesh was the Chief Guest of the program. H.E. Vikram Kumar Doraiswami, High Commissioner of India to Bangladesh was the Guest of Honour and Barrister M. Amir-Ul Islam, Chairman, BILIA, presided over the event. The keynote speech was delivered by Professor Dr. Sarkar Ali Akkas, Dean and Chairman, Faculty of Law, Jagannath University. The designated discussants were Barrister Tania Amir, Senior Advocate, Supreme Court of Bangladesh, and Dr. Arghya Sengupta, Research Director, Vidhi Centre for Legal Policy, India. The session was conducted by Professor Dr. Mizanur Rahman, Director, BILIA.
In celebration of 50 years of BILIA, Lecture Series-01 tilted-‘The Dynamics of Bangladesh-USA Relations: Democracy and Human Rights or Geopolitical Interests?’ was held on 26 February, 2022 at the BILIA Auditorium. The keynote paper was presented by Dr. Sujit Kumar Datta, Associate Professor and Chairman, Department of International Relations, University of Chittagong. Dr. ASM Ali Ashraf, Professor, Department of International Relations, University of Dhaka; Mr. Toufiq Islam Shatil, ndc, Director General (Americas), Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of Bangladesh were the panel discussants of the session. Mr. Masud Bin Momem, Foreign Secretary (Senior Secretary) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of Bangladesh chaired the session and Professor Dr. Mizanur Rahman, Director, BILIA conducted the whole session.
In celebration of 50 Years of BILIA, BILIA Lecture Series -02 titled-“50 years of Victory: Liberation war as reflected in the Text books – A Reality Check up and Tasks Ahead” was held on 2 April 2022 at the BILIA Auditorium. Mr. Aftab, BILIA researcher (International Affairs) presented the keynote paper at the event. Mr. Mofidul Hoque, Trustee of the Liberation War Museum and Professor Dr. Zafar Iqbal were the panel discussants. The session was graced by Rasheda K Chowdhury; Md. Moshiuzzaman, Chairman of NCTB Professor; and other respectable guests. The session was chaired by Barrister M. Amir-Ul Islam, Chairman, BILIA.
In celebration of 50 Years of BILIA, BILIA Lecture Series -02 titled-“50 years of Victory: Liberation war as reflected in the Text books – A Reality Check up and Tasks Ahead” was held on 2 April 2022 at the BILIA Auditorium. Mr. Aftab, BILIA researcher (International Affairs) presented the keynote paper at the event. Mr. Mofidul Hoque, Trustee of the Liberation War Museum and Professor Dr. Zafar Iqbal were the panel discussants. The session was graced by Rasheda K Chowdhury; Md. Moshiuzzaman, Chairman of NCTB Professor; and other respectable guests. The session was chaired by Barrister M. Amir-Ul Islam, Chairman, BILIA.
In celebration of 50 years of BILIA, Lecture Series-03 titled “Bangladesh-Russia Relations: Imperatives, Potentials and Risks.” was held on June 23, 2022. Professor Dr. Mizanur Rahman, Director of BILIA, delivered the welcome address in the Lecture. Dr. Syeda Rozana Rashid, Professor, Department of International Relations, University of Dhaka, presented the keynote paper at the event. Ms. Naureen Ahsan, Director General (Research) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of Bangladesh and Mr. Mohammad Humayun Kabir, Director General, Bangladesh Enterprise Institute (BEI) were the designated discussants. Ms. Ekaterina Semenova, Deputy Chief of Mission, Embassy of the Russian Federation in the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, was present as the Guest of Honor. Mr. Shabbir Ahmad Chowdhury, Secretary (West), Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of Bangladesh graced the program as the Chief Guest. The event was chaired by Barrister M. Amir-Ul Islam, Chairman, BILIA.
Bangladesh Institute of Law and International Affairs (BILIA) in collaboration with Bangla Worldwide organized a roundtable discussion on “The Killing of Bangabandhu: The Conspirators, the Executors and the Ultimate Justice” on August 20, 2022 at BILIA Auditorium. Barrister M. Amir-Ul Islam, Hon’ble Chairman, BILIA, presided over the event.
Bangladesh Institute of Law and International Affairs (BILIA) in collaboration with Bangla Worldwide organized a roundtable discussion on “The Killing of Bangabandhu: The Conspirators, the Executors and the Ultimate Justice” on August 20, 2022 at BILIA Auditorium. Barrister M. Amir-Ul Islam, Hon’ble Chairman, BILIA, presided over the event.
The work undertaken by the Institute has revolved around:
(a) Its publication programme which includes
(i) Regular publications, and
(ii) Publications from studies undertaken by or at the Institute.
(b) Studies
(c) Seminars
(d) Lectures, and
(e) Training programme and workshops
4. To celebrate the glorious 50 years of BILIA a number of lectures have been arranged by the Institute:
5. To celebrate the birth centenary of the Father of the Nation, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, BILIA organised an International Conference titled “Law and Legal Education During and Post Pandemic”. It was a two-day-long conference held on January 14 and 15, 2022.
The Inaugural Ceremony of the International Conference on ‘Law and Legal Education During and Post-Pandemic’ held on January 14, 2022 at BILIA Auditorium. (From the left) Director of BILIA Professor Dr. Mizanur Rahman; Hon’ble Foreign Minister of Bangladesh His Excellency Dr. A.K. Abdul Momen; Chairman of BILIA Barrister M. Amir-Ul Islam; Alternate President and Life Member of BILIA Ambassador Muhammad Zamir and Professor Dr. Md. Rahmat Ullah of the Faculty of Law, University of Dhaka.
The third session of the conference titled -‘Legal Education Ina Changing World: A Comparative Analysis’ was chaired by Professor Dr. Biswajit Chanda, Member, University Grants Commission (UGC) and co-chaired by Professor Abu Zayed Mohammad, Dean, Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences, City University, Dhaka, Bangladesh on January 14 , 2022 at BILIA.
The Closing Ceremony of the International Conference on ‘Law and Legal Education During and Post-Pandemic’ held on January 15, 2022 at BILIA Auditorium. (From the left) Barrister Tania Amir, Senior Advocate, Supreme Court of Bangladesh, and Life Member and EC member, BILIA; Professor Dr. Mizanur Rahman, Director of BILIA; Barrister M. Amir-Ul Islam, Chairman of BILIA; Mr. Justice A.H.M. Shamsuddin Chowdhury Manik, Former Justice, Appellate Division, Life Member & EC Member, BILIA.
6. BILIA arranged a special roundtable dialogue titled “Birth of a Nation & the Mujibnagar Government” to pay homage to “Mujibnagar Government”, the first government of Bangladesh.
In commemorating the 51st Anniversary of the formation of the First Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh on April 10, 1971, and the Oath-taking Ceremony of the Mujibnagar Government on April 17, 1971, BILIA organized a Roundtable Discussion on April 17, 2022. The author of the Proclamation of Independence of Bangladesh, Barrister M. Amir-Ul Islam, Senior Advocate, Supreme Court of Bangladesh, and Chairman, BILIA, graced the event as the Chair. Professor Dr. Mizanur Rahman, Director, BILIA, was the moderator of the session. Other distinguished guests were the two children of Bangladesh’s first Prime Minister Tajuddin Ahmad: Ms. Simeen Hussain Rimi, M.P., Chairperson of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on the Ministry of Culture and Mr. Tanjim Ahmad Sohel Taj, Former State Minister of Home Affairs, Government of Bangladesh; Justice Md. Abu Zafor Siddique, Mr. Mahbub Ahmed Bir Bikram, Professor Dr. Abul Barkat, Mr. Shahiyar Kabir, Ambassador Munshi Faiz Ahmad and other eminent guests.
7. A round table discussion on “The Killing of Bangabandhu: The Conspirators, the Executors and the Ultimate Justice” was held on 27 August, 2022 at BILIA Auditorium.
8. In celebration of the Constitution Day of Bangladesh, BILIA organized a seminar on “Revisiting the Historical Journey of the Constitution of Bangladesh”, which was held on 5 November, 2022 at BILIA Auditorium.
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