Bangladesh Journal of Law (BJL) solicits unpublished original contributions. Unless specifically stated otherwise, we shall assume that submitted articles are not under consideration for any other publication at the time of submission.
Manuscripts should be type-written and double-spaced with at least 1-inch margin on all sides.
All pages and footnotes should be numbered consecutively.
A short biographical note indicating author’s present position, degrees, recent publications and current address should be supplied on a separate page.
Manuscripts should preferably be between 5,000 and 12,000 words (excluding footnotes); case comments and book reviews being exceptions. Electronic version of word-processed article is required.
An abstract of not more than 250 words should be included.
Manuscript and authors short biographical note should be submitted to BILIA’s mail address (
Journal Style
British spelling should be used.
Footnotes, placed at the end of each page, should be numbered consecutively.
Reference to books in footnotes must include last name and initials of the author, full title of book (Italic), place, year of publication, and, if applicable exact page number(s) for quotations.
References to published articles should also include last name and initials of the author, title of the article within inverted coma, volume number and year of publication (within bracket) followed by the title of the journal (italic), and relevant page numbers.
For reported cases, names of the parties should be in italics and must include full citation.
For Example
Books: Rahman, M., Consumer Protection Law and the Swedish Approach, Dhaka, 1994, at p. 102
Chapters in edited books: William, R., “A Marxist Understanding of International Law”, in Knox, R. (ed.), Towards a Radical Approach to International Law, London, 2011, pp. 122-155, at p. 127.
Journals: Anderson, M., “Classifications and Coercions: Themes in South Asian Legal Studies in the 1980s”, 10 (1990) South Asia Research, pp. 158-177, at p.170.
Cases: Mahbubur Rahman vs. Bangladesh, 44 (1992) DLR (AD) 111, at p. 115.
UN Human Rights Bodies: : [Committee name], [document title], [para.], U.N. Doc. CEDAW/ C/34/D/8/2005 (date), available at: (Last visited on April 20, 2011). In some instances, the Committee name and document title would be combined: [Report of Committee name] or [Committee name report], [para.], U.N. Doc. CEDAW/C/34/D/8/2005 (date), available at: (Last visited on April 20, 2011).
Electronic Sources: Limb, P., “Alliance Strengthened or Diminished? Relationships between Labour & African Nationalist/Liberation Movements in Southern Africa” (May 1992), at . (Last visited on April 20, 2011).
Newspaper Article: Goldman, Ari L., “Politicians Risk Excommunication over Abortion”, N.Y. Times, June 15, 1990, at p. 7, available at: < > (Last visited on April 20, 2011).