Journal of International Affairs (Content)! | ||
Vol. 23,No. 2, December 2021 | ||
Titles | Author | Page |
Climate Change and Human Security of Bangladesh | Farzana Mannan | 1 |
The Role of Defence Diplomacy to Attain Foreign Policy Goals: A Bangladesh Perspective | Sourav Ghosh | 29 |
The United Nations Peacebuilding Commission: A Step Toward Further Split | Aftab | 67 |
Revisiting Environmental Impacts of Hosting Rohingya Refugees in Bangladesh | Arundhati Das | 85 |
Reforming the Dispute Settlement Mechanism of WTO: Challenges and Prospects | A.K.M. Raquibul Hasan and Khadiza Nasrin | 113 |
Vol. 23,No. 1, June 2021 | ||
Titles | Author | Page |
Bangladesh/Myanmar Maritime Boundary Delimitation in the Bay of Bengal: Some Issues | Md. Kamrul Hasan Arif | 1 |
Enclave Exchange between Bangladesh and India: An Evaluation of the Implementation Phase of the Land Boundary Agreement (LBA) | Muhammad Omar Faruque | 15 |
State-Centrism and Its Limitations in Understanding Global Politics: Juxtaposing Realist and Feminist Schools of International Relations Theories | Md. Ali Siddiquee | 39 |
Is ‘Freedom of Fishing’ Still a Freedom? | Sk. Tariq Ezaz | 53 |
Turkey’s ‘Open-Door’ Refugee Policy: Analysis through Power-Elite Model | Fatema-Tuj-Juhra | 69 |
Representation of Terrorism in the Media: A Study on the Holey Artisan Attack | Maria Hussain and Khan Kamrula Tusi | 93 |
Turkey’s Political Shift: A Rising Power with Neo-Ottoman Agenda | Labib Murshed | 109 |
The Role of Humanitarian Agencies in Urban Violence: A New Frontier for Fragile Humanity | Md Kamrul Hassan | 137 |
Vol. 22,Nos. 1 & 2 , June & December 2020 | ||
Titles | Author | Page |
Politics of Nationalism of Myanmar: An Analysis from the Perspective of Rohingya Crisis | Momtaj Monwara | 1 |
The Framing of the Rohingya Crisis: United Nations’ Security Council (UNSC) and the Responsibility to Protect (R2P) | Abu Faisal Md. Khaled and Md. Tareq Mahmud | 25 |
China and India’s Response to the Rohingya Refugee Crisis: A Structural Explanation | Robayt Khondoker and Tanvir Habib | 39 |
Gender-Based Violence in the Rohingya Crisis: A Postmodern Analysis | Md. Riaz Uddin, Pradipto Vasker Rakshit and Hasan Mahmud, Shabrin Jahan | 61 |
International Community and Its Responses towards the Rohingya Crisis: An Analysis | Rumi Akter | 81 |
ICC Jurisdiction over Rohingya Deportation by Myanmar: A Way forward to ensure Accountability | Muhammad Zubair | 109 |
Rohingya inside Myanmar: A Brief Analysis | Sumaiya Sarwat | 131 |
The Changing Dynamics of Rohingya Crisis: The Need for Redefining Foreign Policy of Bangladesh | Sayeda Akther and Ushan Ara Badal | 155 |
Vol. 21,Nos. 1 & 2 , June & December 2017 | ||
Titles | Author | Page |
Risk Management Strategies of Young Bangladeshi Migrant Men in Malaysia and South Africa | Lamea Momen | 1 |
‘Climate Refugee’ to ‘Climate Migrants’: What Status Ensures the Rights of the Climate-Induced People? | Md. Rafiqul Islam | 21 |
Crisis in Democratic Republic of Congo and Role of United Nations in Establishing Peace | Md. Mamunur Rashid | 39 |
Chinese Soft Power Policy in South Asia | Md. Badrul Islam | 67 |
Politics of Ethnicity and the Kurdish Quagmire | Wardah Irum and Muh. Abbas Hassan | 81 |
Conditions for Winning Wars: Peace Performances of the Middle Eastern and North African Nations | F. M. Tunvir Shahriar and Aftab | 95 |
Connectivity through BCIM-EC: Prospects and Challenges | Sultana Yesmin | 121 |
The National Cybersecurity Strategy of Bangladesh: A Critical Analysis | Md. Riaz Uddin | 155 |
Vol. 20,Nos. 1 & 2 , June & December 2016 | ||
Titles | Author | Page |
Food Access Constraints on the Poor: Contemporary Dynamics and Climate Change Impacts | Sheikh Shams Morsalin | 1 |
Economic Diplomacy of Bangladesh: A Focus on Manpower Export | M. Jasim Uddin | 17 |
Why the United Nations Climate Negotiations Fail | F.M. Tunvir S. and Khaled Imran | 45 |
Killing Field in Indo-Bangladesh Border Line: Appraisal for a way Forward | Amity Saha | 65 |
Securing the Development: The Nature of Security Threats and Responses in BCIM-EC | Noor M. Sarker | 83 |
Vol.19,Nos. 1 & 2 , June & December 2015 | ||
Titles | Author | Page |
Economic Diplomacy and Bangladesh Foreign Policy: A Discourse | M. Josim Uddin | 1 |
Institutional Dimension to Party Conflict in Bangladesh | Moynul Haque | 19 |
Prospects and Challenges for Bangladesh-China Comprehensive Economic Partnership: A Bangladesh Perspective | M. Jashim Uddin | 35 |
Bangladesh-Myanmar Economic Relations: Searching for New Opportunities | Sultana Yesmin | 61 |
Adoption of the Paris Agreement, 2015 | Documents | 87 |
Vol.18,Nos. 1 & 2 , June & December 2014 | ||
Titles | Author | Page |
Withdrawal of International Security Troops from Afghanistan in 2014: Implication | Sufia Khanom | 1 |
Understanding Reconciliation as a way of Peacebuilding: The case of Chittagong Hill Tracts | Md. Obaidul Haque | 25 |
Extension of Trips Transition period for the least Developed Countries (LDCS): New Opportunities, New Challenges | M. Atique Rahman | 45 |
Environmental Policies Gaps as a Threat to Human Security: A case of Natural Catastrophe in Uttarakhand Himalays in India | Annpurna Nautiyal | 67 |
Role of Media and Governance for Bridging Socio-Political Barriers Experiences of Japan & Bangladesh | Md. Jahangir Alam | 85 |
Recognition of Identities: A Path to Reasonable Reconciliation | Papri Chakraborty | 103 |
Vol.17, Nos. 1 & 2 , June & December 2013 | ||
Titles | Author | Page |
The Role of Media in Influencing Public Opinion on Violence against Minorities: The Case of Ramu in Bangladesh | Dr. Syeda Rozana Rashid & Md. Azharul Islam | 1 |
Resolution of Protracted Conflict and Key Structural Constraints: An Analysis of External Initiatives in the Sri Lankan Conflict | Md. Touhidul Islam | 29 |
India’s Strategic Perceptions: Continuity and Change | Dr. Dalbir Ahlawat | 59 |
Water Diplomacy between India and Bangladesh in a Globalized World: Overcoming the Limits of State Sovereignty | Tahmina Rahman | 81 |
United Nations Peacekeeping Operations and Bangladesh: An Overview | Sultana Yesmin | 105 |
Vol.16,Nos. 1 & 2 , June & December 2012 | ||
Titles | Author | Page |
Trans-Boundary Water Disputes in Africa, Europe, and South Asia: A Comparative Analysis | Dr. A.S.M. Ali Ashraf | 1 |
Bangladesh-Myanmar Maritime Boundary Delimitation Dispute | Dr. Luther Rangreji | 33 |
The Majoritarian Leaderships Dilemmas in Former Colonial Multiracial Societies: Case Study of Cyprus, Sri Lanka, and Singapore | Chanaka Jun Takazawa | 59 |
Smaller Neighbours, Larger Opportunities: Bangladesh-Nepal Relations under Lens | Sheikh Shams Morsalin | 83 |
Development of China and Indian Ocean Economies | Razia Sultana | 109 |
Great Power Politics in Southeast Asia: The Cold War and the Post-Cold War Settings | Noor Mohammad Sarker | 123 |
Vol.15,Nos. 1 & 2 , June & December 2011 | ||
Titles | Author | Page |
America and Nuclear Non-Proliferation in South Asia: Problems and Challences | Dr. Narottam Gaan | 1 |
An Community Engagement : A Non-Lethal Strategy for Countering the Emergence of Extremism in the Early 21st Century | Rohan Gunaratna | 23 |
Water Security in Bangladesh: A Gender Perspective | Rafiqul Islam | 35 |
Bangladesh and China: A Review of 35-Year Relations | Tareque Shamsur Rahman and M. Jasim Uddin | 49 |
Institutional Relationship Between Government and Non-Governmental Organisations in Bangladesh | Sanjay Bhardwaj and Chandra Khemundu | 65 |
Reassessing Cooperation in the Indian Ocean Littoral | Ishtiaque Alam | 83 |
Vol.14,Nos. 1 & 2 , June & December 2010 | ||
Titles | Author | Page |
Critical Security Studies: Emancipatory Challenges | Dr. Narottam Gaan | 1 |
An Overview of Policy Influencing Instruments Deployed by CSOs: A Case of Bangladesh | Mohammad Jasim Uddin | 31 |
Thrid World Diplomacy: Realities and Challenges | Harun ur Rashid | 53 |
Civil Society Activism: Globalization and State of CSOs in Bangladesh | Delwar Hossain and Niloy Ranjan Biswas | 65 |
Aid for Trade (AFT) Agenda: Moving Ahmed | Hasanuzzaman | 85 |
Understanding Indo-Pak Relations | Ali Ahmed | 103 |
Book Review: | 121 | |
Vol.13, No. 2 , July-December 2009 | ||
Titles | Author | Page |
Patriotism, Local and Global | Charles Blattberg | 1 |
Flexible Permeabilities: The Re-Designing of the Canada-United States Border since 2001 | Wilfried von Bredow | 13 |
Beyond Traditional Foreign Policy Making: The Australia 2020 Summit | Emma White Melissa Conley Tyler | 29 |
The Battlefield of the Mind: Rehabilitating Muslim Terrorists | Rohan Gunaratna | 45 |
Pakistan And India: Can they Fight Terror Together? | Pervez Hoodbhoy | 67 |
An Analysis of the Supreme Court Judgment on the Fifth Amendment of the Constitution of Bangladesh | Wali-ur Rahman | 71 |
Indian Soft Power: The Role of Culture | Iftekharul Bashar | 83 |
Vol.13,No. 1, January-June 2009 | ||
Titles | Author | Page |
The Liberal Peace and Developing Countries | Syed Mansoob Murshed | 1 |
Shifting Goalposts: Interpretation of ‘Victory’ in Israeli-Palestinian Conflict in Gaza, 2008-09 | G.M. Shahidul Alam, PhD | 21 |
Aryan-Dravidian Synthesis: Fear or Hope? | Wali-ur Rahman | 37 |
The Sundarbans: from Wasteland to Wasted Land | Kendra Patterson | 41 |
World’s Pre-Eminent Power’s Recent Treatment to International Law: A Paradigm of Interests Served and Harmed | Mia Mahmudur Rahim | 63 |
Women’s Rights: Bangladesh Perspective | Harun ur Rashid | 79 |
Role Of Indian Diaspora in Increasing Strategic Influence in a Globalised World | Parama Sinha Palit Amitendu Palit | 87 |
Bringing Treaties Home: The Domestic Incorporation of International Humanitarian Law | Christopher Harland | 121 |
Countering Transnational Terrorism In South Asia: An Assessment On Regional Approach | Iftekharul Bashar | 141 |
Vol.12,Nos. 1 & 2, June-December 2008 | ||
Titles | Author | Page |
American Soft Power and Smart Power | Joseph S. Nye, Jr. | 1 |
Roots of Extremism in Pakistan | Pervez Hoodbhoy | 7 |
Pakistan’s Domestic Legal Responses to Extremism as Part of an Overall Counter-Terrorism Strategy | Hayatullah Khan Khattak | 13 |
Future Directions of Bangladesh Foreign Policy: Dreams or Nightmares? | Imtiaz Ahmed | 39 |
Normative Trends, Values, and Bangladesh Foreign Policy: A Framework | Wali-ur Rahman | 49 |
India Emerging World Power: The Crusading Challenges | Dr. Narottam Gaan | 57 |
Iran-Israel Relationship | Dr. Abdullah Kiran | 81 |
Financing Challenges for Natural Gas Projects in Bangladesh | Dr. Salim Mahmud | 97 |
Security in a Changing Climate: A Study on Bangladesh | Iftekharul Bashar | 115 |
Vol.11,Nos. 1 & 2, June-December 2007 | ||
Titles | Author | Page |
Challenges for Cross Border Gas Projects in South Asia: Geopolitical Issues | Dr. Salim Mahmud | 1 |
The Politics of FTA’s in South Asia: Towards a new Bilateralism or New Regionalism? | Delwar Hossain | 49 |
Terrorism in Europe: Trends and Counter Responses After Madrid Incidents | M. Aynul Islam | 73 |
TRIP’s Agreement and Human Rights: Protecting Public Interests in Developing and Least Developed Countries at the Cross-Roads | Mohammad Towhidul Islam | 95 |
Document: Declaration of the Fourteenth SAARC Summit | 121 | |
Vol.10,Nos. 1 & 2, June-December 2006 | ||
Titles | Author | Page |
India’s Global Emergence: Implications for South Asia | M. Aynul Islam | 1 |
Factors That Have Given Rise to the ‘Resurgence’ of Radical Islamism in the Contemporary Middle East | Siobhan McPhee | 25 |
International Watercourses Law and The Utilisation of Fresh Water Resources in the Ganges Basin | Md. Jakerul Abedin | 43 |
Unresolved Statelessness: The Case of Biharis in Bangladesh | Iftekharul Bashar | 87 |
Impact of WTO Dispute Settlement Scheme on International Trading System | Mohotaj Binte Hamid | 117 |
Short Article: Geopolitical Environment of Central Asia | Wali-ur Rahman | 131 |
Vol.9,Nos. 1 & 2, June-December 2005 | ||
Titles | Author | Page |
Global Security or Human Security? Recent Events in Perspective | Irene Z. Khan | 1 |
Indo-US Nuclear Deal: An Evaluation | Ashok Sharma | 13 |
Care-Taker Government, Election Commission and Parliamentary Election: It’s International Implications | Naimuddin Ahmed | 31 |
Bangladesh At 35: Internal Dynamics and External Linkages | Sanjay Bhardwaj | 43 |
The Policy of the United States of America Concerning Climate Change | Md. Jahid Hossain Bhuiyan | 59 |
US-Japan Estrangements in the Prewar Period | Muhammad Ruhul Amin & Nafisa Rashid | 75 |
Socio-Economic Impact of Mature Age Unemployment in Australia | Syeed Ahamed | 99 |
Short Article: Implementation of the UN Plan of Action on Small Arms: Perspective Bangladesh | Wali-ur Rahman | 121 |
SAARC Documents | -- | 125 |
Vol.8,Nos. 1 & 2, June-December 2004 | ||
Titles | Author | Page |
Fundamental Freedom and Human Rights in South Asia: Right to Life, Right Against Arbitrary Arrest and Detention, Freedom of Speech, Thoughts, Opinions, Conscience, Expression, of the Press and Freedom of Religion | Naimuddin Ahmed | 1 |
The Rites of the Passage: Rise of Religious Politics in Bangladesh | Sanjay Bhardwaj | 21 |
Three Decades of Australia-Bangladesh Relations: Future Directions and Potentials | Kamal Uddin Ahmed | 35 |
Learning from the Past: Role of Religion in Peace building | Mohammad Shahabuddin | 55 |
Public Management Reforms in Japan: An Analysis into the Prospects of Introducing new Public Management | Shirajun Noor Chowdhury & Saima Ahmed | 79 |
Democracy in Bangladesh: Challenges and Opportunities | Muhammad Ruhul Amin | 99 |
Short Article: Media, Democracy and Human Rights in Bangladesh | Jesmul Hasan | 113 |
Vol.7,No. 2, July-December 2003 | ||
Titles | Author | Page |
Conflict & Peace: The Challenge and the Choice Before US | Justice Naimuddin Ahmed | 1 |
Low-Cost Drip Irrigation Technology for Poverty Alleviation | Sujit Kumar Bala | 30 |
A Critique of “The Tragedy of the Commons” | ABM Ziaur Rahman | 50 |
Combating ‘Terrorism’––New Challenge for the Southeast Asian Countries | Rumana Monzur | 63 |
Foreign Direct Investment in Bangladesh: Prospects and Challenges | Kazi Mahmudur Rahman | 87 |
Vol.6,No. 3, July - December 2002 | ||
Titles | Author | Page |
Geostrategic Environment of Bangladesh | Brig. Gen. Mohd. Aminul Karim, ndc, idmc,psc | 1 |
The Political Economy of Reform: Designing, Initiating and Sustaining Public Sector Reform in Developing Countries | Dr. Reza Kibria | 18 |
United States Foreign Policy in South Asia | Forrest Cookson | 46 |
Enternational Commercial Arbitration in the Asia Pacific Asian Values, Culture and Context | Dr. A.F.M. Maniruzzaman | 61 |
The Nonprofit Sector: World and Bangladesh | Mokbul Morshed Ahmad | 77 |
Impact of Global Changes on the Textile Industry of Bangladesh | A.S.M. Shahidul Haque | 105 |
Vol.5,No. 3, Jan'99 - June 2001 | ||
Titles | Author | Page |
Civil Military Relations in Bangladesh: A Perspective | Bridgadier General Mohd. & Aminul Karim | 1 |
Bangladesh Foreign Policy in the Information Age | Md. Shamsul Islam | 24 |
China-Bangladesh Relations: Need for Economic Partnership | Sharmina Nasrin | 40 |
Environmental Issues in Political Agenda: Towards Civil Environmentalism | Mohammad Ehteshamul Hoque | 55 |
Documents: Speech on the Role of Women in the 21st Centrury by Her Excellency Sheikh Hasina Prime Minister of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh at Randolph-Macon Noman’s College Virginia, USA 22, 08 April, 2000, 25 Chaitra, 1406 | 77 | |
Address by Mary Robinson UN High Commissioner for Human Rights | 83 | |
Diplomacy and Conflict Resolution Lecture by President Martti Ahtisaari at the International Institute for Strategic Studies, 23 March 2000 | 85 | |
United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization Address by Mr. Koichiro MATSUURA on the occasion of his installation as Director-General of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Paris, 15 November 1999 | 97 | |
US-Bangladesh Economic Relations: Prospects and Challenges (Statement by Mr. Shah A.M.S Kibria, Minister for Finance, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh | 110 | |
Statement of His Excellency Mr. Tofail Ahmed, Minister of Industries, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, at the WIPO Sub-Regional Forum for Intellectual Property Co-operation Among Member States of SAARC Dhaka, 20 March, 2001 | 115 | |
National Workshop on Environmental Law and Sustainable Development, Inaugural address by Mr. Abul Matin Khasru, MP, Honâ'ble Minister for Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs | 119 | |
Appeal by Amnesty International to all States to Ratify the Statute of the International Criminal Court as Soon as Possible | 126 | |
Statement by Syed Muazzem Ali, Foreign Secretary, Government of Bangladesh at the Symposium on the Observance of the International Day for The Elimination of Racial Discrimination, Organized by the United Nations Association of Bangladesh (UNAB), Dhaka 21 March, 2001 | 130 | |
Statement By H.E. Ambassador C.M. Shafi Sami Foreign Secretary of Bangladesh at the 56th Session of the Human Rights Commission, Geneva, 27 March, 2000 | 136 | |
Security Perception in South Asian Region and Beyond Curtain Raiser By Waliur Rahman | 141 | |
Vol. 4,No. 2, July-December 1998 | ||
Titles | Author | Page |
The Consequences of the GATT Uruguary Round for the Textile and Garments Sector in Bangladesh | Dr. CAF Dowlah | 1 |
Food Security: Some Pertinent Issues | Resaul Haque and Anis Pervez | 30 |
In search for Security and Poverty Alleviation: Women’s Inheritable Entitlements to Land, the Untapped Resources | Taslima Monsoor | 42 |
Tension Between State and Humanitarian Efforts | Naimuddin Ahmed | 58 |
Comments and Short Communications: Role of the Media in Good Governance | Muhammad Habibur | 63 |
Speech delivered by Mr. Abdul Matin Khasru, MP, Hon’ble Minister of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs on 29 November 1998 at British Council, Dhaka to mark the 50th Anniversary of Universal Declaration of Human Rights | Abdul Matin Khasru | 67 |
Speech of M. Amirul Islam, Vice Chairman of Bangladesh Bar Council on the Celebration of 50th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights | M. Amirul Islam | 72 |
Documents: Speech by Her Excellency Sheikh Hasina, Prime Minister of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh at the 10th SAARC Summit Colombo, Sri Lanka | 82 | |
Tenth SAARC Summit Colombo Declaration, Colombo Statement By Mr. Abdus Samad Azad, Hon’ble Foreign Minister of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh in the General Debate at the 53rd Regular Session of the United Nations General Assembly, New York | 109 | |
Activities of the Institute of Law and International Affairs (BILIA) in the fields of International Affairs and Human Resource Development July-December, 1998 | 117 | |
Vol.4,No. 1, January-June 1998 | ||
Titles | Author | Page |
Building a Consensus in Bangladesh Politics: Scope and Constraints | Rehman Sobhna | 1 |
Role of Women in Decision Making and Economic Contribution at Household Level | S.M. Ikhtiar Alam | 13 |
UN in the 21st Century Reforms | Dr. Maimul Ahsan Khan | 34 |
Application of Environmental Accounting in Bangladesh | Aminur Rahman | 48 |
Refugees and Migratory Movements in South Asia | M. Habibur Rahman | 65 |
A Peace of Timbuktu Democratic Governance, Development and African Peacemaking | Robin-Edward Poulton Ibrahim ag Youssouf | 69 |
Documents: | ||
Speech by the Prime Minister of India, Shri I.K. Gujral at the Bangladesh-India-Pakistan, Business Summit, Dhaka, 15 January 1998 | 74 | |
Declaration of the Ninth SAARC Summit in Male, Maldives | 89 | |
Speech by His Excellency Mr. Mohammad Nawaz Sharif, Prime Minister of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan at the Bangladesh-India-Pakistan Business Summit, Dhaka, 15 January 1998 | 80 | |
Speech by Her Excellency Sheikh Hasina Prime Minister of the Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh at the Opening Ceremony of the Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Business Summit, Dhaka, 02 Mahg, 1404, 15 January 1998 | 84 | |
Bangladesh, India, Pakistan Business Summit, Joint Declaration, 15 January 1998 | 90 | |
Vol.3,No. 2, January-June 1997 | ||
Titles | Author | Page |
South Asian Security and the Implications for Small States | Zillur R. Khan | 1 |
On Monetary Policy and Central Bank Independence | Kabir Hassan & Shah Abdul Hannan | 19 |
International Debt Crisis and the Developing Countries | Soleman Mozammel | 51 |
The CTBT: Analysis and Assessment | Jozel Goldblat | 66 |
Documents: | 83 | |
Address by Her Excellency Sheikh Hasina, Prime Minister of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh at the Ninth SAARC Summit in Male, Maldives on 12 May 1997 | ||
Declaration of the Ninth SAARC Summit in Male, Maldives | 89 | |
Istanbul Declaration of Developing-8 (D-8), Istanbul 15 June 1997 | 107 | |
Declaration on the establishment of the Bangladesh-India-Sri Lanka-Thailand Economic Cooperation (BIST-EC), Bangkok 6 June 1997 | 112 | |
Vol.2,Nos. 3 & 4, July-December 1995 & January-June 1996 | ||
Titles | Author | Page |
Prologue to Reassertion: Russia’s Policy Toward the Civil War in Post-Soviet Tajikistan | Dr. Shahid Alam | 1 |
Official Development Finance for Industrial Development of the Least Developed Countries | Rehman Sobhan | 25 |
Apartheid Revisited: Some Preliminary Comments | S.M. Ikhtiar Alam | 57 |
India, China and Iran: Renewing Interaction Along the Old Silk Road | Ahmad Tariq Karim | 66 |
Rural Electricity Demand, Renewable Energy Supply, and Developing Countries: A A Case study of Photovoltaics and Bangladesh | Dr. Lewis M. Fulton | 84 |
Free and Fair Elections: The People’s Priorities | Dr. Kamal Hossain | 95 |
The Reality of a Resurgent Asia | Dr. Mahathir Bin Mohamad | 103 |
Documents: | 110 | |
Joint Communiqué issued at the conclusion of the State Visit of His Excellency Mr. Alpha Oumar Konare, President of the Republic of Mali to Bangladesh, 25-28 August, 1995 | ||
Joint Communiqué issued at the conclusion of the State Visit of His Excellency Mr. Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, to Bangladesh from 10th to 13th October, 1995 | 112 | |
Statement of the Honourable Prime Minister of Bangladesh Begum Khaleda Zia at the Specail Commemorative Meeting of the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations. | 117 | |
Address by the Hon’ble Prime Minister of Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina at the gathering of Foreign Heads of Missions in Dhaka on 24 June, 1996 | 120 | |
Opening Statement by the Hon’ble Foreign Minister of Bangladesh at the Press Conference on 11 July, 1996 | 122 | |
Vol.1,Nos. 1 & 2, January-June 1995 | ||
Titles | Author | Page |
Human Rights: Bangladesh Perspective | K.M. Subhan | 1 |
The Tilt Policy: The Nixon-Kissinger Role in the Bangladesh Liberation War | Shah. A.M.S. Kibria | 8 |
Democracy, Government and Civil Society in South Asia | Gowher Rizvi | 16 |
Training and Operation in Support of United Nations Peace-Keeping Efforts | Mufleh R. Osmany | 46 |
Third South Asian Regional Dialogue and a New Order for South Asia: A Bangladesh Perspective | Dr. Kamal Hossain | 56 |
Book Review: | S.M. Ikhtiar Alam | 68 |
Shaping South Asia’s Future: Role of Regional Cooperation | ||
Document: | 72 | |
Joint Press Statement issued on the visit of the Right Honourable Douglas Hurd, CBE, MP, Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to Bangladesh from 3-5 January, 1995 | ||
Joint Communiqué issued at the conclusion of the official visit of Her Excellency Begum Khaleda Zia, Prime Minister of Bangladesh to the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka from 25-26 January, 1995 | 74 | |
Joint Press Release after the state visit of Her Excellency Mrs. Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga, the President of Sri Lanka to Bangladesh from 28-30 March, 1995 | 78 | |
Joint Statement at the end of the visit of Qatari Foreign Minister to Bangladesh from 1-2 April, 1995 | 80 | |
Vol.1,No. 1, October-December 1994 | ||
Titles | Author | Page |
Human Rights and Human Needs: Democracy and Development | Dr. Kamal Hossain | 1 |
Redirecting South Asia’s Development Agenda | Rehman Sobhan | 9 |
The Bangladesh-India Friendship Treaty: The Question of Renewal | S.A.M.S. Kibria | 22 |
SAARC Preferential Trading Arrangement (SAPTA) | Abul Ahsan | 30 |
The Ganges Water Issue | Amjad Hossain Khan | 42 |
Perspectives of Peace in South Asia | Dr. Syed Anwar Hossain | 52 |
Environmental Impact and Utility of Mangrove Forests in Bangladesh | Ismet Zerin Khan | 67 |
Documents: | 80 | |
Myanmar-Bangladesh Border Trade Agreement | ||
Joint Statement By Foreign Ministers of Myanmar and Bangladesh at conclusion of Myanmar Foreign Minister’s visit to Bangladesh | 83 | |
India-Bangladesh Joint Communiqué, May 28-1992 | 89 | |
Policy Statement of Bangladesh: Excerpts from the inaugural address by Bangladesh Prime Minister Begum Khaleda Zia at the SAARC Finance/Planning Ministers Meeting on July 10,1994 | 93 |
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